June 2024 Archives

C/o Witness Against Torture:

As if written for this day, an article in Al Jazeera reminds us that torture like that in Guantanamo not only haunts the lives of its survivors, but happens over and over, in places like Israel. "Lawyers and activists say the Israeli treatment of Palestinian prisoners bears all the hallmarks of 'US-style' abuse and torture."

As we decry all torture everywhere, we continue to let Guantanamo survivors know they are not forgotten. This is the final, final June campaign pitch (really!) from Guantanamo Survivors Fund. Deep, deep gratitude to those of you who have donated. If you haven't donated yet, now is a good time! Click this link to donate online or write a check to Guantanamo Survivors Fund -- and then tell your friends.

Horrific testimonies: Israeli army tortures Palestinians in Gaza physically and psychologically

Photo c/o Euro-Med Human Rights Monitorhttps://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/horrific-testimonies-israeli-army-tortures-palestinians-gaza-physically-and-psychologically-enar

John Yoo, the former Bush administration lawyer (who himself escaped prosecution for his role in constructing legal justifications to torture detainees), has an essay in National Review arguing for revenge prosecutions, proffers political columnist Jonathan Chait.

"Do unto others as they have done unto you," urged the shameless Berkeley Law professor, misappropriating the 'Do unto others as you would have done to you,' maxim. "In order to prevent the case against Trump from assuming a permanent place in the American political system," said Yoo, "Republicans will have to bring charges against Democratic officers, even presidents."

The civil trial of Al Shimari v CACI is the only one by survivors of Abu Ghraib against a military contractor that has reached trial, wrote Center for Victims of Torture observer Yumna Rizvi.

"The trial marks a significant moment in the legal battle for justice and redress for Abu Ghraib and, more broadly, the US torture programme. It represents a culmination of relentless efforts by the victims themselves, human rights advocates and legal experts to shed light on the dark underbelly of the US 'war on terror.'" 

District of Columbia Anti-War Network activists take part in a demonstration to oppose "American violations of international human rights" at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq by U.S. military personnel in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in this February 9, 2005 file photo. Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe torture can be justified to extract information from suspected terrorists, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, a level of support similar to that seen in countries like Nigeria where militant attacks are common. To match Exclusive USA-ELECTION/TORTURE REUTERS/Larry Downing/Files
Outside the US Supreme Court February 9, 2005. Photo by Larry Downing

In National Review magazine, John Yoo, the legal architect of the George W. Bush administration's torture program, urged Republicans to retaliate against Democratic elected officials. "In order to prevent the case against Trump from assuming a permanent place in the American political system, Republicans will have to bring charges against Democratic officers, even presidents," Yoo, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote.

Photo by Paola Chapdelaine for The New York Times

Supporters of Donald Trump give the thumbs up outside the courthouse in Manhattan where he was tried; a woman in a pink hat holds up a sign that reads

UC Berkeley Billboard

press conference, protest, photos, video, reports

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Events & Calendars

War Criminals Watch Events

Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

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