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White-House-shut-down-banner-1.jpgRule of Law, Not Rule of Trump

January 11, 2019, marks the 17th anniversary of the opening of the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, which was established in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. It also marks the start of the prison's third year under the direction of the Trump administration. At the beginning of the Trump administration 41 people remained imprisoned at Guantanamo. Over the last two years, the Trump administration has released just one individual, leaving 40 people in detention while, at times, signaling interest in expanding Guantanamo. What will happen to the prison and its detainees in the remaining years of the Trump administration? Will anyone else be released? Will the prison ever close?

Join New America's International Security Program as they welcome Laura Pitter, Thomas B. Wilner and Andy Worthington for a discussion about what is next for the prison.

New America Foundation
740 15th St NW #900
Washington, DC

Moderator: David Sterman, Senior Policy Analyst, New America International Security program

Follow the conversation online using #GTMO17th and following@NewAmericaISP.


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This page contains a single entry published on January 7, 2019 3:48 PM.

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