shaming the torture apologists: students key to exposing complicity

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graduationprotestmontage3-thumb-275x221-thumb-275x221.jpgThe University of California's advocacy for the U.S. 
Torture State began with a rather banal defense of 
employee John Yoo, whose conduct and work at 
the Bush/Cheney Justice Department fell far outside 
established ethical standards. Berkeley Law Dean 
Christopher Edley sticks with his misapplication of 
the principle of 'academic freedom' to provide safe 
harbor to his subordinate, despite repeated 
rebuttals from those who correctly understand that 
unethical, criminal and immoral action in the service 
of government are not protected.

Photo montage: students at the 2008 Berkeley Law graduation raise a banner as an airplane circles overhead

"the more we can educate the better! Clearly, the more we can reach outside our 
'anti-torture groups' to the larger uninformed, apathetic public, the better, either through 
demonstrations or through sharing such news and photographs with those friends, 
relatives, and citizenry who are not paying attention to the issues of war, war crimes and 
war blowback -- Coleen Rowley, former FBI Special Agent

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