can Yoo keep a secret?

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It appears that the "Torture Professor" will not be teaching Constitutional Law this 
semester, but has been tasked with the following course, meeting times and locations 
withheld from the public:

Berkeley Law
Spring 2011 

Instructor: John Choon Yoo
Course Title: Veterans' Law Practicum
Course Number: 222.9


222.9 sec. 1

Veterans' Law Practicum

Enrolled: 15 
Waitlisted: 1 
Enroll Limit: 15 
As of: 01/09 07:59 AM

Information on seats available per course not displayed due to varying constraints on course structures that result in variations on a course by course basis.

Just what goes on behind these closed doors?

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This page contains a single entry published on January 9, 2011 9:44 PM.

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