YOO ON TOUR (WATERBOARDING 2), a John Yoo Poem by Bill Costley

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"The CIA didn't want to torture." - John Yoo

Absolved of abetting criminal intent
John Yoo, now on book tour, tells us

he only provided legal justification
of various options of interrogation
of war prisoners. Just legal recipes.

Now teaching at Cal (UC Berkeley),
in a protected academic environment

he's safe from waterboarding
by any of his legal colleagues

however much they loathe him,
while no really hard rain falls.

(22 FEB 10, Santa Clara CA)v2

Read more of Bill Costley's poetry on War Criminals and other stuff at his blog: http://costleybill7.blogspot.com/

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This page contains a single entry published on February 22, 2010 3:28 PM.

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