Curt Wechsler, The World Can't Wait: November 2017 Archives

"The approval of torture on detainees must be labeled an intentional, calculated decision that resulted from post-9/11 hyper-patriotism justifying the unethical treatment and dehumanization of detainees, who at times held no relevant knowledge regarding terrorism or were completely innocent," writes Claire Oh for International Policy Digest. President Trump's attempts to bury the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture (he has ordered the return of all copies of the report to the Senate vaults) undermine the integrity of the United States' government.


"By disregarding these commitments [Geneva Conventions and UN Convention against Torture] and attempting to sweep the violations into a vault, we leave ourselves vulnerable to criticism and accusations of hypocrisy from other nations," Oh adds.


Let alone delivering justice to the 41 remaining prisoners illegally held at Guantánamo. Far from facilitating closure of the hated U.S. concentration camp, Trump has promised to "fill Guantánamo up with bad dudes." 


"It is also critical to bring the idea of torture from the abstract to the concrete in the minds of Americans, preventing ourselves from falling prey to historical amnesia," concludes Oh. "The future of America's use of torture is unknown, especially considering that a 2017 Pew Research national survey found that roughly 48% of Americans say there are some circumstances under which the use of torture is acceptable in U.S. anti-terrorist efforts...


"Although debating the use of torture has unfortunately become a norm, it is because of society's current attitude on enhanced interrogation techniques that make the information within the report imperative."

Will Trump allow Guantanamo prisoners kill themselves? asks Maha Hilal,
Michael Ratner Middle East Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. "For those on [hunger] strike, rather than feeding the inmates through a tube, Guantanamo authorities appear prepared to allow striking prisoners to suffer serious organ failure -- or possibly even death.

"In other words, the only way out of Guantanamo might be for the prisoners to starve to death on the government's watch," concludes Hilal. "It is the U.S. government's failure to implement justice that has led to the hunger strikes.
"Muslim prisoners who have constantly been vilified in the War on Terror are using this last, dangerous form of resistance -- despite the personal harm it's causing them -- to re-claim ownership over their bodies in a system that has denied them all other levels of agency."

Join World Can't Wait and friends in an orange-jumpsuited contingent, representing the 41 illegally held Guantanamo prisoners, to Refuse Fascism action on November 4. This Nightmare Must End.

In San Francisco, rally at 3pm, Union Square. March begins at 4pm.
A leading booster of killing machines extols emotional detachment from traditional legal and political safeguards. Jim Hightower asks "where is the morality in that?"

UC Berkeley Billboard

press conference, protest, photos, video, reports

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Events & Calendars

War Criminals Watch Events

Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries in November 2017.

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