'One more broken promise to close Guantanamo'

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"The concept of indefinite detention is a direct affront to the principles of justice," writes Mansoor Adayfi, artist, activist, and former Guantánamo prisoner. "Holding individuals without charge or trial defies the very foundation of legal systems worldwide. It denies detainees the opportunity to defend themselves and subjects them to years -- sometimes decades -- of suffering with no resolution in sight."

People in orange jumpsuits protest against Guantanamo military prison outside of the US Capitol in Washington, DC on April 5, 2023 [File: Reuters/Elizabeth Frantz] Protesters in orange jumpsuits and black bags over their heads hold sign that reads, "release those unjustly detained"

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This page contains a single entry published on January 20, 2025 5:41 PM.

Joe Biden under pressure to release 'forever prisoner' Abu Zubaydah from Guantánamo Bay was the previous entry in this blog.

Trump Directs Guantanamo Bay to Prepare to Hold up to 30,000 Migrants is the next entry in this blog.

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