'Guantánamo at 23: Global Vigils on January 11'

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Saturday Jan 11, 3pm
50 United Nations Plaza (at the Simon Bolivar statue)
San Francisco

Contact: Gavrilah Wells

Just after Andy Worthington posted this article, news broke that eleven of the 14 men approved for release from Guantánamo have been resettled in Oman. My article celebrating this news will be published tomorrow, but the photo campaign and the vigils will, of course, be proceeding as planned, because 15 men are still held -- three who have also long been approved for release, three "forever prisoners", never charged, but never approved for release either, and nine others in the military commissions trial system.

With the plight of 14 men who have long been approved for release from Guantánamo but are still held dominating the thoughts of those of us who have spent years -- or decades -- calling for the prison's closure, this coming week -- which includes the 23rd anniversary of the prison's opening, on Saturday January 11 -- is a crucial time for highlighting the need for urgent action from the Biden administration, in the last few weeks before Donald Trump once more occupies the White House, bringing with him, no doubt, a profound antipathy towards any of the men still held, and a hunger for sealing the prison shut as he did during his first term in office.

May be an image of 8 people and text

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on January 6, 2025 9:29 PM.

'U.S. transfers 11 Yemeni prisoners from Guantánamo to Oman' was the previous entry in this blog.

Joe Biden under pressure to release 'forever prisoner' Abu Zubaydah from Guantánamo Bay is the next entry in this blog.

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