Press Conference: "Close Guantanamo, Prosecute Yoo for Torture"

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Wednesday, January 11, 1pm
Where: UC Berkeley Law School, Bancroft Way & College Ave., Berkeley
Meet at 12:45 at Cafe Roma on the corner of College & Bancroft and proceed together at 1pm to the Law School across the street. We have Yoo posters, some orange jumpsuits & hoods,  letter to Yoo, Dean Chermerinsky and the law school students. Picket, speakers, songs for Yoo (come sing!), join letter delivery asking Yoo to contribute to the Guantanamo Survivors' Fund Give to the Guantanamo Survivors Fund | No More Guantanamos.
Host: CodePink. Endorsers (list in formation): Berkeley No More Guantanamos, Progressive Democrats of America Oakland, Triple Justice, Extinction Rebellion Peace.
This action is on the 21st anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantánamo Bay and will highlight Professor John Yoo's complicity in U.S. torture. Yoo provided erroneous legal cover for the U.S. military and CIA to torture captured men, most of whom have never been charged with crimes, yet spent years at Guantanamo where they were treated inhumanely and tortured. There are less than 40 remaining prisoners. Professor Yoo should be prosecuted, not teaching law at our public university. We've invited Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky to speak. In 2014 Chemerinsky, then Dean of UC Irvine Law School, said in "Nation" magazine and in a KPFK interview that Yoo should be prosecuted:  "I think he [John Yoo] should be," Chemerinsky said. "All who planned, all who implemented, all who carried out the torture should be criminally prosecuted. How else do we as a society express our outrage? How else do we deter it in the future, except by criminal  prosecutions?"

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