'There is a Problem With California's Recall' Opined Erwin Chemerinsky and Aaron S. Edlin

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Dean Chemerinsky flaked out on firing The Torture Professor, https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/prosecute-john-yoo-says-law-school-dean-erwin-chemerinsky/, but here is another chance to hold his feet to the fire; it's time for our student mentors to walk the talk:

Comment to: New York Times GUEST ESSAY
"There Is a Problem With California's Recall. It's Unconstitutional."
Aug. 12, 2021
By: Curt Wechsler

Is anyone challenging the legitimacy of the recall provision itself? Because I think this is what we should be campaigning against. NOW, before the election. The Berkeley Law school dean's voice carries a lot of weight, and would be a good source to solicit for inspiration and approach. He's probably around for the start of fall classes. Better yet, make this a school project, for credit.

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This page contains a single entry published on August 12, 2021 5:15 PM.

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