The Berkeley Law Effect*: Election of Donald Trump

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At a Heritage Foundation event Thursday, John Yoo, a Berkeley Law professor and scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, got a warm reception from the crowd by cracking about the closeness. . .

"I'm surprised there are so many people here because I thought everyone at Heritage was working over at transition headquarters," Yoo said on the panel about Trump's win. "I asked the taxi cab driver to take me to Trump transition headquarters and he dropped me off here, instead."

The crowd let out an appreciative laugh.

"As long as President-elect Trump appoints people to this administration that are going to do things that are consistent with the promises he made while campaigning for this office that the American people clearly supported, then I'm optimistic about where we're going," says James Wallner, group vice president of research at Heritage.

Shame on John Yoo. Shame on his enablers.


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