The Nazis Had Their Law Schools Too

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A poignant, heart-wrenching and profoundly truthful poem by Professor Francis A. Boyle

Ode to My Colleague and Friend Frank Newman


Way to go Berkeley Law!
Deeming Yourselves above The Law
Your Dean Frank Newman now crying in Heaven
Berkeley Law can go to Hell!
Accessories After The Fact to torture, murder and war crimes
Law Prof Carl Schmitt would be proud of You All
The Nazis had Their Law Schools too
Replete with John Yoo
RIP Berkeley Law
Into the Ashcan of History You All go
Good Riddance to Cal's Neo-Nazi Rubbish!.
American Law Professors
What have we become?
American Law Professors for torture!
American Law Professors for Gitmo Kangaroo Courts!
American Law Professors for indefinite detention!
American Law Professors for spying!
American Law Professors for drone strikes!
American Law Professors for murder!
American Law Professors for assassinations!
American Law Professors for war crimes!
American Law Professors for crimes against humanity!
American Law Professors for genocide!
American Law Professors for wars of aggression!
American Law Professors for murdering US citizens!
American Law Professors for murder courts!
American Law Professors for trashing the US Constitution!
American Law Professors for trashing the Bill of Rights!
American Law Professors for trashing International Law!
American Law Professors for trashing Human Rights!
How much lower can American Law Professors sink
Into this criminal shit
Of Neo-Nazi Legal Nihilism?
The Nazis had their Law Professors too
The worst of the bunch was Carl Schmitt
And now we have: American Law Professors
For Carl Schmitt too!
Arabs and Muslims
Have become
American Law Professors'
New Jews
And now at Berkeley Law too
With Chaired John Yoo
Francis A. Boyle is an attorney and a professor  at the University of Illinois College of Law. His books include Foundations of World Order (Duke University Press: 1999) and Tackling America's Toughest Questions (2009).   His most recent book is United Ireland, Human Rights and International Law.   This is his poem "Ode to My Colleague and Friend Frank Newman."

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This page contains a single entry published on July 12, 2014 10:59 PM.

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