"some of that stuff is just going to have to work its way through"

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The free pass President Obama affords Trayvon Martin's assassin with the above sentiment must be countered with rejection of the untenable construct of "stand your ground" law.

Despite objections from criminals in high places like John Yoo (who argues that state-sanctioned murder policy is not a Federal matter), the Department of Justice has promised open investigation of the George Zimmerman case for violation of Trayvon's civil rights.

Talk is cheap and we won't hold our breaths for actual filing of charges against Zimmerman; the heavy burden of proof that his actions were motivated by race will be hard to reconcile with the deliberate suppression of that issue throughout the trial. And the President has already indicated that he sees such action unlikely, saying:

"these are issues of state and local government," and warning that the public should have "clear expectations."

"Stand your ground" law has everything to do with race. The U.S. justice system is anything but colorblind. Until racial disparity is factored into judicial deliberation, there can be no true justice.

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