Guantanamo detainees take action against forced-feeding

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UPDATE: Justice Department Tells Court that Force-Feeding Guantánamo Hunger Strikers is "Maintaining the Status Quo"

The motion filed June 30th by prisoners' lawyers has been given added urgency by concerns that prison staff will force-feed the Muslim detainees during Ramadan - a period of day-time fasting in Islam which begins on July 8. 

"This crisis could end, if only President Obama would start transferring cleared people, as he has the power to do. But my clients have seen no action. They cannot take years of more uncertainty about their fate. If the Gitmo authorities intend to force-feed these people during the daytime in Ramadan, it will only add insult to injury. --  Guantanamo attorney and Reprieve Strategic Director Cori Crider

Judges give US Government 48 hours to respond

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This page contains a single entry published on July 2, 2013 1:22 PM.

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