when it comes to shielding war criminals,

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Berkeley Law takes the cake.

Many know that UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall harbors a war criminal, John Yoo.  But what he teaches under cover of administrative secrecy remains a mystery, revealed only to a chosen few.

Since 2010 the school has secreted locations for it's torture classes. Unashamed of the "Torture Professor's" crimes against humanity committed while in the employ of the Bush administration (indeed the school promotes publication of the repugnant and widely discredited opinions used to establish the current U.S. torture state), Dean Christopher Edley has resorted to concealing meeting times. To the point of slipping a condensed (in-and-out, before anyone notices) summer course under the radar, disguised by "Fall Semester" cover.
The University of California shares in the institutional complicity in torture exhibited by your government. What a bizarre situation we face, when UC is paying an advocate/designer of illegal government action (rendition, aggressive war, torture) to teach constitutional law to the next generation of lawyers and judges!

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