Selling Torture?

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John Yoo Says Value of Law Degree Determined by Market

This is speculative on my part, but I think I've figured out why the University of California defends and actually sponsors the "Torture Professor": John Yoo brings in big donations from Federalist Society members and their ilk. If nothing else, Berkeley Law Dean Christopher Edley is a master fundraiser. I KEEP making the argument against employment of a War Criminal from a moral standpoint, and I think that is correct, but it finally occurred to me, after noting how the Berkeley institution promotes its arguably most notorious faculty member (as an "expert" on 9/11, appointed to the position of "faculty director" of the Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law), that the almighty dollar represents the bottom line in administrative policy, justice be damned. 

To be clear, I don't suggest that school "reputation" or "honor" should be the determinant of accountability for war crimes. But it might inspire faculty, staff and students to look at what a representative of the UC community promulgates IN THEIR NAME. And to take action to stop the damaging results of acquiescence to a torture state.

Torture + Silence = Complicity. Fire, Disbar, PROSECUTE John Yoo.

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