Los Angeles reckons with torture

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Stephen-F.-Rohde.gifStephen F. Rohde, Chair of the ACLU Foundation of Southern California, holds the distinction of having confronted John Yoo twice [link to article below].

In Los Angeles, on June 26th-UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, [Rohde moderated] the "Reckoning with Torture" presentation organized by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, [where] the focus was on torture as evil, something that simply cannot and must not be allowed under any circumstances-even if in some as yet unknown universe it were to demonstrate actual utility...

see Diane Lefer's account of event here

Bay Area readers may remember this constitutional lawyer, lecturer, writer, and political activist from the 2008 Town Hall sponsored by the NO TO TORTURE - JOHN YOO MUST GO! Coalition. Archived video here.

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