Twenty years of American bombing, invasion, occupation and torture: Let us not forget what "humanitarian intervention" looks like

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UPDATE: Most recent, May 6 protest video here

On April 9, Condoleezza Rice delivered a talk in San Francisco. Or tried to. The former Secretary of State was interrupted repeatedly by cries from the audience of "war criminal" and "torturer". (For which we can thank our comrades in Code Pink and World Can't Wait.) As one of the protesters was being taken away by security guards, Rice made the kind of statement that has now become standard for high American officials under such circumstances: "Aren't you glad this lady lives in a democracy where she can express her opinion?" She also threw in another line that's become de rigueur since the US overthrew Saddam Hussein, an argument that's used when all other arguments fail: "The children of Iraq are actually not living under Saddam Hussein, thank God..."

-- William Blum, The Anti-Empire Report

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This page contains a single entry published on May 2, 2011 2:11 PM.

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