the story of Guantánamo: past, present and future

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Andy Worthington on Press TV's "The Autograph"

On the last day of my recent US tour to raise awareness of the plight of the remaining 173 prisoners in Guantánamo on the 9th anniversary of the opening of the prison, I was invited to be the subject of a Press TV show entitled "The Autograph," described as "a 25-minute weekly interview with academics, authors, politicians and dignitaries encompassing a whole range of different topics from cultural to highly political issues." The host, Susan Modaress, was engaged and very well informed, and it was excellent to have the opportunity to explain the story of Guantánamo past, present and future in more detail than is usually available to me on TV...

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This page contains a single entry published on January 29, 2011 1:47 PM.

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