Witness Against Torture

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hand-with-wire-for-website.jpgThis January 11, the prison at Guantanamo will enter its 10th year of operation. The prison is both a site and symbol of a legacy that includes rendition, extralegal detention, and torture. This legacy endures, despite the promise of President Obama to close Guantanamo and break with Bush-era policies. With President Obama's continued betrayal of his promise and with the Republican gains in Congress, the nightmare draws closer: that the prison at Guantanamo will become permanent. We can't let this happen! We demand that Guantanamo be closed immediately and that those who designed and carried out torture policies be held to account.

There are 174 men still imprisoned at Guantanamo, and we hope to have at least that many people as part of our procession (sign up here). 

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This page contains a single entry published on November 30, 2010 12:41 PM.

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