don't be a member of the "torture creative class--

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a conceptual torturer, a facilitator of torture, perhaps an inventor of torture law, an architect of the torture archipelago, a dissimulator, concealer, denier, rationalizer, minimizer and pooh-pooher of torture...

take part in BERKELEY SAYS NO TO TORTURE week, Oct 10 thru 16

What can YOU do to add your strength to "Berkeley Says No to Torture" Week?

  • Organize a teach-in, debate, lunchtime speak-out . . .
  • Arrange a poetry event, film showing, orange jumpsuit "No More Guantanamos" vigil . . .
  • Spark debate over "NO TO TORTURE" on Facebook and other conversations . . .
  • Spread the wearing of orange ribbons against torture (raise $$ for anti-torture organizations) . . .
  • Ask anti-war military veterans to volunteer for the week's Speakers Bureau . . .
  • Organize a congregation to hold a service, a vigil, or a public banner display . . .
  • Write op-eds for local and campus news media . . .
  • Recruit artists to hang a show on the week's theme . . .
  • Organize spoken-word artists for "Poetry Against Torture" events . . .
  • Make a giant freeway banner,  and let thousands see your message . . .
  • Ask your local politicians to support Berkeley City Council on Sept. 21 when it can vote to sanction this week of action, and ask them when they'll do the same in your city . . .
 And if you don't live, work, or study in Berkeley - you can still take part in any or all of these activities, and also you can spread them to your own community.

DONATE to the campaign! Make checks payable to: "World Can't Wait SF" Mail to: 2940 16th Street, Room 200-6, San Francisco, CA 94103 and write "Berkeley Says NO" on subject line of your check so it goes to the right place.

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The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on September 7, 2010 10:05 AM.

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