eight-year anniversary of the "torture memos"

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Why this is significant

The Fast Against Torture

Sunday August 1, 2010 [was] the 8 year anniversary of the writing of the "torture memos" by Office of Legal Counsel lawyers John Yoo and Jay Bybee. (Bybee, who is now a 9th Circuit Judge, recently secretly testified to the House Judiciary Committee not admitting any wrongdoing but blamed Yoo for being too close to the White House when he wrote the memos legalizing torture. Thousands of Yoo's e-mails during this time have suspiciously disappeared.) 

8 years is also the time period specified in the statute of limitations (SOL) for bringing a prosecution for the crime of torture. So legislation is desperately needed at this point to extend the SOL as it soon will run, for instance, on certain acts of waterboarding. Obama's insane slogan and policy about "looking only forward" makes no sense as it would entail overlooking all crimes committed in the past. 

Inside a chilly cell, the man was shackled and left half-naked. He was found dead, exposed to the cold, in the early hours of Nov. 20, 2002...

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This page contains a single entry published on July 29, 2010 2:35 PM.

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