Remove the fancy distinctions: the government cannot defeat constitutional guarantee by rerouting its planes from Guantánamo to Bagram.

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"Does the public interest in national security allow the U.S. to detain aliens overseas indefinitely?" - Richard A. Epstein 

Al-Maqaleh v. Gates is the latest chapter in this debate. In late May a panel for the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia--consisting of David Sentelle, a Reagan appointee; Harry Edwards, a Carter appointee; and David Tatel, a Clinton appointee--took another wrong turn in the road. Their unanimous decision held that three persons taken captive outside the U.S. and detained for over seven years at the United States' Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan could not challenge the legality of their detention in federal district court...

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This page contains a single entry published on June 1, 2010 10:47 AM.

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