Experiments in Torture

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Blight and Fog pervade the polity...

The academy is not disturbed by the torturers among its tenured elites. 
John Yoo has hardly been challenged at all at Berkeley.
Berkeley students, are you blind? 
Berkeley faculty, are you blind?
Bush admits openly to war crimes,
Yoo counseled them yet retains tenure at BP's Berkeley campus. 
Is everyone completely flipping insane? - Anonymous response to The Heart of the Bush Administration's Torture Program 

High-value detainees captured during the Bush administration's "war on terror," who were subjected to brutal torture techniques, were part of a Nazi Germany-type program involving illegal human experimentation, the purpose of which was to collect research "data," according to a disturbing new report that calls on President Barack Obama, Congress, and other government agencies to immediately launch inquiries and Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate the allegations.

The findings contained in the 27-page report, "Experiments in Torture: Human Subject Research and Evidence of Experimentation in the 'Enhanced' Interrogation Program," is based on extensive research of previously declassified government documents that shows the crucial role medical personnel played in establishing and justifying the legality of the Bush administration's torture program.

For those who have closely followed the details that have surfaced over the years related to the Bush administration's torture program, some of the information contained in the report has already been painstakingly documented by Marcy Wheeler at her blog Emptywheel, and Truthout's own Jeffrey Kaye on his blog Invictus and in articles published on this web site and at Firedoglake.

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This page contains a single entry published on June 7, 2010 11:40 AM.

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