Fahad Hashmi trial

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UPDATE: Yesterday, Syed "Fahad" Hashmi accepted a plea deal from the federal government, and will be sentenced on June 7 for one count of material aid to terrorism.  Agence France Press reported that he now faces 15 years in prison, after the past 3 years in solitary confinement while awaiting trial.

On Monday, Judge Loretta Preska had granted government request for an "anonymous jury" with extra security. 

Free Fahad from The Legal Black Hole in Lower Manhattan

Theaters Against War plans to hold their usual vigil on Monday night (May 3) outside the Metropolitan Correctional Center." Video and directions to vigil.

The conditions of Hashmi's detention are in violation of international and domestic laws that prohibit torture and other serious human rights abuses. Read CCR Legal Director Bill Quigley's recent article on Fahad Hashmi's cruel and unusual detention.  Under Special Administrative Measures (SAMs), imposed by Attorney General Mukasey under the Bush administration and renewed by Holder under President Obama, Hashmi is kept in extreme isolation. His communications from his family and loved ones and access to the news and other reading material are either prohibited or highly restricted. He may not send or receive letters, except for one letter a week to a single family member at a time,  and the letter cannot exceed three sheets of paper. He is forbidden from participating in group prayer, an important element of his religious practice.  Hashmi has no access to fresh air because he is in lockdown for 23 hours a day-his one hour of daily recreation, when granted, is taken alone inside a cage. His cell is electronically monitored, so he is forced to shower and relieve himself on video camera.

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