"Torture Judge" Jay Bybee in San Francisco March 8 thru 12

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Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals calendar here; week's protests will focus on 
latest Department of Justice revelations

Torture_Protest009The long-awaited release of the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) investigation of authors of memoranda sanctioning torture reveals damning new evidence of White House complicity in the drafting of those memos and other shocking revelations (such as John Yoo's assertion that the President has the power to massacre civilians). 

Many of us are familiar with the August 2002 memo where Jay Bybee approved specific torture techniques, including waterboarding, for which he was rewarded with a lifetime appointment to the federal bench. For his advice in this and other memoranda the OPR report concludes that Bybee "acted in reckless disregard of his professional obligations."

...the OPR memo is not an exoneration.  Read in its entirety, it is an indictment.  And the indictment is not just of Bybee and Yoo.  It is an indictment of a nation that tragically and unquestionably lost its way. - Sherilynn Ifill, The ROOT

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