the fall guys for Torture, part I: Gregory B. Craig

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Craig Steps Down as White House Lawyer

Published: November 13 NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON - The White House counsel, Gregory B. Craig, has told associates that he intends to step down from his post on Friday, putting to rest long-running speculation about whether he would remain as President Obama's top lawyer.

Doug Mills/The New York Times

White House counsel Gregory B. Craig in the Oval Office in January.

Mr. Craig had been at the center of controversial decisions over whether to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as well as revising administration policies on theinterrogation and detention of prisoners. For months, questions have circulated inside the White House about his status, but an official said early Friday that Mr. Craig had made the decision to resign.

Robert Bauer, a Democratic lawyer in Washington who has represented Mr. Obama for years, has agreed to be named to the position of White House counsel, according to an official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision was not scheduled to be made public until later Friday. 

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