Gitmo: "a low-tech vision of Hell"

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There's a McDonald's on the high street, suburban houses, rats the size of dogs and 229 of the world's most high-profile prisoners. Six months after President Obama declared that he would close it down, Naomi Wolf heads to Guantánamo Bay to see whether anything has changed.

Guantánamo Bay: the Inside Story

by: Naomi Wolf  |  Visit article original @ The Times UK

Six months ago this week President Obama, on his second day in office, promised to close the Guantánamo detention camp within a year, and to undo the secretive and coercive detention and interrogation policies of George W. Bush. But has Obama been as good as his word?

    I went to Guantánamo last month to see for myself what difference, if any, Obama's election had made...

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