The Devil's Advocate

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Dean Edley continues to defend John Yoo, on the basis of "academic freedom". But that is not what this is about.


"I agree that Yoo should absolutely be afforded due process by Berkeley and offered a right to defend himself. Respect must be shown for the tenure system and a bright line should be drawn that Yoo is not being asked to defend his beliefs, but his actions.

I also agree with Scott [Horton] that the public record is highly suggestive of criminal culpability, notwithstanding the current absence of political will to prosecute.

The question here, properly framed, is whether or not Boalt wants to employ a war criminal under the guise of academic freedom. 

Refusing to determine whether or not a faculty member is a war criminal, in the face of compelling evidence, is tantamount to wilfull ignorance.

Boalt has a duty to address these questions no matter how uncomfortable they may be."

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