Guantanamo Bay: September 2008 Archives

by Andy Worthington


Photo: Amnesty International Canada

Today, Omar Khadr, the sole Canadian citizen in Guantánamo, marks his 22nd birthday in isolation. Seized in Afghanistan when he was just 15 years old, Omar has now spent nearly a third of his life in US custody, in conditions that ought to be shameful to the US administration responsible for holding him, and to the Canadian government that has abdicated its responsibilities towards him.


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View this  Blog The Guantánamo Blog
I am a civil rights/human rights lawyer in Chicago who is representing two Guantánamo Bay detainees pro bono. Having represented these two men for three years and with no end in sight I have shut down my civil rights practice to focus solely on getting my two clients out of Guantanamo, closing Guantanamo and bringing those responsible for and assisting with these particular war crimes to justice. This weblog will provide updates on developments concerning the plight of the detainees, the ongoing injustice of current U.S. detention policies in the "War on Terror" and efforts to hold accountable those men and women responsbile for these war crimes. -
H. Candace Gorman

Six Years In Guantanamo

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...what happened to me was very hard and my
personal situation is difficult. But when I think of those who are
still in Guantánamo, and their families that they miss very much and
who have no news at all of them, I tell myself that my situation, as
difficult as it is, is better than theirs. I cannot forget that in
Guantánamo I have left behind brothers who have been crushed, who
have gone mad. I am thinking in particular of a Yemeni doctor who
now lives naked in his cell because he has lost his mind. 

Today torture survivor and journalist Sami El Haj is driven by the idea of bringing to the world's attention these tens of thousands of prisoners who are still suffering inhuman treatment in the prisons of Guantánamo, Bagram and Kandahar. He replies tirelessly and with good humour to all the journalists who interview him, hoping that his words will allow those who no longer have a voice to be heard. 

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Events & Calendars

War Criminals Watch Events

Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Guantanamo Bay category from September 2008.

Guantanamo Bay: August 2008 is the previous archive.

Guantanamo Bay: October 2008 is the next archive.

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