UC Berkeley anti-torture billboard press conference, protest, photos, video, reports
Shame on the University of California and it's law school at Berkeley
This anti John Yoo billboard went up July 24, 2008. It declares "Silence + Torture = Complicity". This wording challenges the apathetic and those who refuse to get off the fence as well as the University of California and it's law school at Berkeley. This well positioned billboard on University Avenue at the intersection of Milvia Street in Berkeley, CA is just FOUR BLOCK FROM THE UC BERKELEY MAIN ENTRANCE! where John Yoo will be teaching United States Constitutional Law as a tenured professor again at the end of August. For those who don't know the Bay Area, University Avenue is the main street in Berkeley running from the Bay through the downtown straight to the main front entrance of The University of California and it's law school at Berkeley. This pictures below are from the press conference and demonstration at the un-veiling yesterday.Â
"Elliot Cohen of the Peace and Justice Commission came out to support those holding the banner. He told the Planet that his commission had passed a resolution on July 7 calling on the university to investigate Yoo and to demand that classes required for graduation taught by Yoo would also be taught by another professor, so that students would not be forced to study with Yoo.."  - read The Berkeley Daily Planet Newspaper article

Pictured above is the initial view of the billboard as you approach the University by car.
Press conference and protest video from July 24, 2008
part 2
Videos courtesy of "the video team" of The San Francisco Bay Area chapter of THE WORLD CAN'T WAIT - DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME! For more of our videos, go to our youtube channel.
UC Berkeley Billboard

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Important Reading
Physicians for Human RightsBroken Laws, Broken Lives
NLG White Paper
The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo